Boundary Dispute Resolution
Boundary Dispute Resolution – Half Day or Full Day (Nominally 4.0 or 8.0 Contact Hours)
In 1986 Williams & Onsurd wrote a treatise for the Real Property and Trust Law Section of the American Bar Association entitled, What Every Lawyer Should Know about Title Surveys. “The surveyor, having made an evaluation of the evidence, forms an opinion as to where he believes the lines would be located if fully adjudicated in a court of law. The typical modern-day surveyor sees himself as an expert evaluator of evidence. He strives to arrive at the same opinion of boundary location regardless of whether he was hired by his client or his client’s next-door neighbor.” This is actually a very good description of the land surveyor’s role in society. When the surveyor successfully carries out this function, boundary disputes are rare. This program is about avoiding disputes before they happen. Ample case studies will be examined to focus on dispute resolution alternatives. Power Point presentation.
OBJECTIVES: To enhance professional competency and improve practitioner’s knowledge of the law as it relates to the practice of land surveying.