Jeff Lucas, President
Are you a landowner or an attorney representing a landowner in a property boundary dispute or other real property issue? Possibly a boundary dispute that you feel, rightly of wrongly, was started as a result of as new survey of your property or of the property of a neighbor? Do you feel like your property rights (or the rights of your client), are being abused or taken away? You are not alone. After 40 years in the land surveying business and 15 years as an attorney, I have seen way too many of these types of situations. Order can be restored but you need help doing that. You need someone who understands the issues and why these situations happen. Someone who can cut through the nonsense and surveyor jargon, and identify the reality of the situation. That’s where we come in. Check out our services and give us a call if you need help with a real property or negligence issue. We can help.
Jeff Lucas, President
About Jeff
Jeffery N. Lucas started his career as a land surveyor and is a licensed surveyor in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee. Lucas is a recognized expert in boundary surveying, land title surveys and property law. He obtained his first land surveying license in Florida (1984) where he spent the first part of his surveying career. After relocating to Alabama, he has practiced across five southeastern states.
Lucas attended and graduated from law school later in his career. He is also a licensed attorney and member of the Alabama State Bar (2003). His practice is focused on land boundary issues and real property law, including adverse possession, boundary disputes, professional liability, real property, and zoning and land use issues. He has been an expert witness and consultant in many cases involving land surveying and boundary disputes.
As a result of his experience and background, Lucas is also a continuing education seminar leader on surveying and legal topics. He has developed a library of over 40 titles and conducts continuing education seminars for land surveyors, engineers and attorneys all across the country. In addition he has authored over 100 articles on surveying, boundary, and legal issues that have been published in state and national professional journals. He has a regular legal column in P.O.B. magazine and has been writing for the magazine since 2004. Lucas has also authored three books on land surveying and boundary law: “Alabama Boundary Law” (2009), “The Pincushion Effect, The Multiple Monument Dilemma in American Land Surveying” (2011), and “Illinois Boundary Law” (2012). Lucas is currently the Alabama Survey Division Manager for ESP Associates AL, Inc.